CG’s menu of Norrbotten

The best from Swedish Lapland

Menu: 895 sek

Wine offer: 399 sek
Beer offer: 298 sek

From the sea

Vendace Roe Classique

Kalix vendace roe served with butter fried toast, sour cream, red onion, lemon and dill.

From the High Country


Grilled and glazed reindeer sirloin with celeriac purée, grilled oyster mushroom and shiitake, fermented cherry jelly, crispy buckwheat crunch, and pan jus.

From the Wetlands


Warm cloudberries with caramel and cardamom ice cream, sugarfried brioche croutons, roasted almonds and caramel sauce.

Three Delicious Dishes

150 g: 698 sek
200 g: 829 sek

Wine offer: 349 sek

Beer offer: 298 sek


Toast Skagen

Classic Skagen mixture with shrimp, mayonnaise, chives and horseradish served on butter-fried brioche. Topped with dill and tomatoes.

Main course

Pepper Steak 

Seasoned with our own pepper mix. Served with pepper sauce and your choice of potatoes.


Crème Brûlée

Classic Crème Brûlée.

The Butcher’s Favorites

598 sek

Wine offer: 349 sek

Beer offer: 298 sek


Cg’s Meat Platter

This evening’s charcuterie selection with olives, olive and tomato tapenade and bread.

Main course

Flank Steak 200 g

Grilled flank steak with Café de Paris butter, french fries, onion and bean salad, and red wine sauce.


Ice Cream with Caramel Sauce

Two scoops of vanilla ice cream with our own caramel sauce.

Tasting Menu

Menu:  1095 sek
Wine offer: 895 sek 

Tonight’s selection of five favorites from our current menu. Ask our staff for this evening’s selection.
* Served for the entire party.